Simple Sugar-Free Snow Cone Syrups are in the house!
These syrups will have you enjoying this no-cook treat with your protein rich snacks and meals in no time this summer season! Our friend Tammy is at it again and this time she’s outdone herself if you ask me.

THM-FP, Low Carb, Low Fat ~ Photo compliments of Tammy and friend Jenny (with the beautiful nails!)
As many know I am a syrup fanatic and I could not be more excited about this newest line of no-cook, sugar-free syrups! But I’ll let her tell you all about this latest syrup development in her own words. <3
DELICIOUS UPDATE Natural Burst Flavors are the BEST THING EVER! They go out of stock all the time but when they come back in BUY!
Watch for affiliate links to products I have used in these recipes when testing them and those which I can fully recommend.
Our friend Tammy is at it again and this time she’s outdone herself if you ask me. As most of you know I am a syrup fanatic and I could not be more excited about this newest line of no-cook, sugar-free syrups! But I’ll let her tell you all about this latest syrup development in her own words. <3
“It’s as hot as blue blazes in Texas and come summer time there’s just nothing more refreshing than a good ol’ snow cone.
One of my very first jobs as a kid was running a snow cone stand owned by my parents. And today, it seems like there’s a sugar-laden snow cone stand around every corner which can be tempting for any THM, much less a pregnant THM who has a craving for a blue coconut or bubble gum snow cone, like RIGHT NOW.
So that’s where this all began. My friend Jenny was my very first THM convert back in December 2015 and those snow cone cravings are more real for her than ever with baby boy #3 on the way!
I urgently began scouring Google to find any and all snow cone syrup recipes that would fit THM guidelines so she could stay on plan! Let me tell you it was slim pickings. Then I remembered Nana’s Little Kitchen Sugar-Free Coffee House Syrups!
I don’t drink coffee and I’ve never made those wonderful looking syrups. But, I knew if Teresia said they were “syrups” then that’s what they were and I was pretty sure a couple of simple tweaks would turn those coffee syrups into snow cone syrups lickety split!
Jenny tested this syrup recipe using coconut extract with heavy cream and called it “AMAZING!” I figured if it satisfies a pregnant woman’s snow cone craving, it must be pretty darn good! I hope you enjoy!” ~ Tammy
One of my first innovations back in 2014 was to come up with some better tasting pancake syrups than I had been able to find and I called them Easy Sugar-Free Flavored Syrups for S, E, or FP.
In fact, it was these syrups that prompted me to start sharing my recipes on Facebook after a friend posted the syrups for me and I saw the response to this new type sugar-free syrup.
Then I moved them over to a new home when I moved to my WordPress blog. By this time Gentle Sweet had hit the market so the flavor was even better when I tweaked the syrup and it became Sugar (Free) Syrup with Gentle Sweet. I have also posted a special occasion Rich Maple Butter Syrup that contains boiled xylitol and is the closest thing ever to a “real” syrup but with a dramatically shorter shelf life.
Because these syrups are all based on the same sugar syrup formula they all work the same way every time. Tammy discovered this and plugged into this formula to create this line of snow cone syrups using my Sugar-Free Coffee House Syrups as a model. She has worked hard to bring you these and I’m so glad she allowed me to share them with you now. ~ Nana

Tammy’s extract collection gets a full workout for this post and not a single THM including myself is one-bit jelly! Love the sign above it too!
If you’d like to make the same fantastic flavors shown in this post then ordering the extracts like Tammy has would be a great choice, but in a pinch, some good flavorings can be purchased at stores like Kroger. Jenny and I both have found the coconut flavoring there, but I will say I have never found a strawberry flavoring in stores that I cared to use.
These Watkins flavorings and extracts are not going to be quite as good in quality or variety as the olive nation, but can usually be found in Wal-mart stores so the ease, price, and convenience is certainly something to consider. Remember to start out with smaller amounts than the recipe specifies and add them to taste and if you find any strong or unusual flavors in these imitation flavorings sometimes adding a little pure vanilla extract can help to moderate the taste and bring it in line a little.
Get updates and info by following me on *Instagram *Pinterest *Facebook and let’s connect over at THM Southern Foodies with Nana’s Little Kitchen.
Watch for affiliate links to products I have used in these recipes when testing them and those which I can fully recommend.
If you need anything from the Trim Healthy Mama Store it would be a help to me if you could use my link and at no extra cost to you. Thanks for helping me keep producing and offering these free recipes. 🙂
I’m including a link for a fun little snow cone machine, but you can normally use your blender to crush your ice too. 🙂
Simple Sugar Free Snow Cone Syrups
Super Simple Sugar-Free Snow Cone Syrups involve no cooking this summer! Just get the water hot, add additional ingredients and whisk!
Super Simple Snow Cone Syrup
(Adapted from Nana's Coffee Syrup):
- 1c water (hot not boiling)
- 1/2c gentle sweet (I use 1/4c Xylitol + 1/4c Erythritol + 1 doonk pure stevia extract)
- Pinch of salt
- 1/8tsp xantham gum (better not to use gluccie here)
- 1tsp favorite single extract or combination of extracts or flavorings
- 1T heavy cream (optional)
- Food colors (optional)
- Shaved ice
- Dissolve the sweetener and pinch of salt completely into the hot water
- SLOWLY add the Xantham Gum and whisk briskly to keep it from clumping! Note! You could stop right here and have a plain/unflavored sweet syrup to flavor differently per snow cone, or continue to Step 3 and make a whole batch of the same flavor.
- Add your choice of extract, or a combination of extracts and optional ingredients (cream and/or food coloring)
- And now ... wait patiently while it CHILLS! (Hot syrup and shaved ice don't get along well!)
- Use your favorite kitchen gadget (e.g. Vitamix, Ninja, or Rival's Snow Cone machine pictured above) to shave ice, or just sneak over to your favorite snow cone stand and order a cup of shaved ice!
- Add 3 Tablespoons of syrup per 1 to 1.5 cups of shaved ice and ENJOY!
** Heavy cream gives the syrup a nice creamy flavor but is not required in this recipe. The Key Lime (green) and Tiger's Blood syrups pictured above have no cream. The color is more vibrant without cream (if that's what you're going for!)
** Olive Nation extracts are super potent so you may need more than 1tsp of extract with other brands.
** Watkins flavors, available online and at Walmart, will be colored already so that can be a factor in the appearance if you use those along with food coloring.
Today's Flavors (pictured here) were made in full batches as follows:
- Watermelon - 1tsp watermelon extract no heavy cream
- Blue Coconut Cream - 1tsp coconut extract plus heavy cream
- Tiger's Blood - 1/8tsp coconut, 1/2tsp of watermelon, and 1/2tsp strawberry no heavy cream
- Banana Cream - 1tsp banana extract plus heavy cream
- Key Lime Pie - 1tsp key lime extract no heavy cream
- Orange Creamsicle - 1tsp orange extract plus heavy cream

Ideas for possible new snow cone flavors 🙂
Thank you! We love snow cones at my house 🙂
I’ll bet a watermelon/mint syrup would be perfect for a copykat of Chic-Fil-A’s watermelon mint lemonade too!
Great idea Courtney! I’ll have to try that one. I also need to add a new Pina Colada option soon! <3
Could you omit the xanthan gum or is that absolutely necessary?
The xanthan gum is a binder so the syrup stays together perfectly when stored and also at the 1/8th tsp per cup of syrup it’s going to give the syrup just a little thickness so it won’t be like you’re pouring pure flavored water onto your snow cone. I definitely recommend it. It’s easy to find in stores now, inexpensive and as long as you don’t boil it you don’t need to worry about it getting slimy like some thickeners can.
Are all the Olive Nation extracts on plan? I was looking mainly at the cotton candy and grape as those are my favorite slushee flavors!
The flavor fountains are all different so we recommend that you look at the ingredients list for each one to determine if it’s on plan. The grape contains ethyl alcohol and natural grape flavors. The cotton candy has a few more preservatives but there is no form of sugar that I can see in either, which is probably our biggest no-no in THM. As with anything that has natural or artificial flavors – you can’t always know what those things are made from, but these amounts will be tiny when spread throughout the recipe and these are special treats so you can be the judge on the additives.
Thank you for this!!! I love snow cones and ever since I saw you post this on the thm fb page, I’ve been scouring thrift stores and yard sales trying to find a snow cone maker. Found one for $7, plus silicone cups and holders!!! Tried your recipe tonight after dinner-I did everything you called for (cream included) except I had a grape Lorann oil so I used 3 drops of it for the whole batch! It was perfect!!! My kiddos loved it, as did I! The cream makes it extra delicious. No need for food colouring either.
Thanks again!
Hi Sarah! I’m so glad y’all loved it and congrats on getting that deal on the snow cone set up! 🙂 <3
Can the syrup be put in the refrigerator for a while for later use? Also, do you have a link to more flavors you have tried on your blog? Thanks for sharing . I am excited to give these flavors a try.
Yes, this syrup will store a long time in the fridge.
Omg! TY TY TY!! I’m in South Texas, where it’s cranking right now! Over 100° every day! While searching the overpriced, DeVinci syrups, to order today….I thought about making my own banana concoctions. Thanks to you, I can do that now! Awesome of you to take the time to share this recipe. Peace!!
I feel that pain Brenda! I hope those Sno Cones will be a big, healthy, hit at your place. 🙂
Could you recommend a Snow Cone Ice Machine?